
Welcome to Under the Desk News!

Today's news is you!

Hi friends! V here to report that the news today - is Substack!

I’m pleased to announce that as of *checks watch* today, Substack will act as the exclusive home for all of the lovely premium Under the Desk News content you’ve grown to love - and even more.

Subscribe now

Signing up for a free membership on the brand new Under the Desk News Substack entitles you to a weekly newsletter where we dive deeper into the real news stories of the week, getting down to the nitty gritty of all the good, the bad, and the RFK’s of the world, all while harnessing our ability to contribute to making good news wherever we can. You’ll also be the recipient of any emergency news as it arrives, as well as any additional election information we receive throughout the week. All of that for the price of zero dollars and zero cents - even the thriftiest of all couponers can’t do ya one better on that.

Should any of you be willing to go along for the ride of the premium Dustbunny experience, though, you can gain access to Video Q&As with yours truly… full, complete access to every chat, as well as comments… and far more in-depth reporting about the news you absolutely need to know. Maybe we’ll have a little fun every now and then and talk about books. Or movies. Or, realistically, movies based on books. Overall, the premium Dustbunny experience is an extension of what we’re already doing - expanding our thoughtfulness and curiosity to infinity and beyond.

Your membership for this tier will be either $7.00 USD per month, or a discounted $70.00 USD per year.

If you’re joining us from the Patreon, welcome! We’re so happy to have you here. Anyone who was a paid member on Patreon will be comped for the next full month over here on Substack. But the one thing Substack can’t do is automatically transfer over your payment information, so everyone will need to re-enter your credit card information here on Substack to continue your subscription. You’ll have to do this from mobile web or the desktop, as a heads up.

Subscribe now

If you hit any hiccups with this, the Substack team will help make sure you’re all sorted. Email us at substack@underthedesknews.com and we’ll help.

In today’s news, YOU are the people at the center of this story. My TikToks will always be free and comprehensive, but Substack will be a safe haven for a few of us to dive a little deeper, get a little closer, and organize more thoughtful calls to action.

Thank you so much for being part of the UTDN community, friends.

Let’s do this!

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