I would join Sami’s Normal Party in a SECOND. My BIGGEST frustration with the democratic response to the anti-trans nonsense has been the need to reason, and explain, and talk about bigotry… instead of saying, “THIS IS WEIRD. WHY ARE YOU OBSESSED WITH THIS?” Not that the anti-trans shit isn’t bigotry and gross and misinformed… but you can’t win arguments like that! JUST POINT OUT HOW CREEPY THEY ARE AND REFUSE TO GIVE THEIR ARGUMENTS CREDIBILITY THEY DON’T DESERVE.
No one speaks of it but in fact along with the $5 million dollar gold card pathway to American citizenship comes with a tax loophole, so the owner pays not taxes. Who pays taxes to fund all the services and other benefits of being a citizen of America then? Well, all of us the peasants and the serfs in Trump's new Golden Kingdom. I imagine oligarchs in Russia and around the world will be tucking those gold cards in their kid's pocket upon graduation from the finest universities in America!! "Be Best" as our absent First Lady likes to tell us in broken English.
I would join Sami’s Normal Party in a SECOND. My BIGGEST frustration with the democratic response to the anti-trans nonsense has been the need to reason, and explain, and talk about bigotry… instead of saying, “THIS IS WEIRD. WHY ARE YOU OBSESSED WITH THIS?” Not that the anti-trans shit isn’t bigotry and gross and misinformed… but you can’t win arguments like that! JUST POINT OUT HOW CREEPY THEY ARE AND REFUSE TO GIVE THEIR ARGUMENTS CREDIBILITY THEY DON’T DESERVE.
I was so disappointed they didn’t plan to have multiple disruptions.
No one speaks of it but in fact along with the $5 million dollar gold card pathway to American citizenship comes with a tax loophole, so the owner pays not taxes. Who pays taxes to fund all the services and other benefits of being a citizen of America then? Well, all of us the peasants and the serfs in Trump's new Golden Kingdom. I imagine oligarchs in Russia and around the world will be tucking those gold cards in their kid's pocket upon graduation from the finest universities in America!! "Be Best" as our absent First Lady likes to tell us in broken English.